

You can add "urla.ru" button to the link bar of your browser, and you will get access to the link shortening without logging into our website.

Internet Explorer instruction

  • Right-click on the link urla.ru and select Add to Favorites... from the context menu
  • In the dialog box You are adding a favorite that may not be safe. Do you want to continue? select Yes
  • In the drop down list Create In of the dialog box Add to Favorites... select the folder Links (for Internet Explorer 8 select the folder Favorites Bar) and click Add

After button’s installation, the toolbar of your browser should look like this:

FireFox instruction , Opera , Safari , Google Chrome

  • Click and hold with the left mouse button the following link: urla.ru
  • Drag a link to the link bar of your browser

After button’s installation, the toolbar of your browser should look like this:

The "urla.ru" button has been added to the link bar, so make sure it is on the screen. If not, it can be called via the menu:

Internet Explorer browser: View/Toolbars/Links;

browser Mozilla Firefox: View/Toolbars/Bookmark Toolbar;

browser Opera: View/Toolbars/Personal bar;

browser Safari: View/Show Bookmarks Bar;